
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 55741

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Rhys Overton

Representation Summary:

English Oxford dictionary defines 'traveller' as "a person who changes location".

Will pollute the atmosphere around the surrounding villages and from personal experience know they will cause mischief and grief.

Offers no benefit to Harbury or surrounding villages which is why so many people have objected.

How will it look to people visiting the area?

Full text:

As the subject of this email clearly states and i quote this from the English Oxford dictionary: "traveller - a person who changes location". Not only will these so called 'travellers' pollute the pleasant atmosphere around the surrounding villages, but they will also cause no end of mischief and grief which has happened before and caused great trouble with my family. These 'people' will prove no benefit to Harbury or any of its surrounding villages which is one of the many reasons why so many object to them planting themselves here.
How will it look when new people to he area drive past one of these gypo camps and see groups of them in there troublesome communities posing a threat to everyone and very thing they come across!
I strongly hope you make the right decision and take each and every objection letter into serious consideration!