
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55484

Received: 27/06/2013

Respondent: Mr Graham Butt

Representation Summary:

Objects to the Revised development Strategy on following grounds:
* proposed scale of new development to the south of Leamington and Whitnash is disproportionate
* The character of the Whitnash area has already been greatly scarred with the development of Warwick Gates, Dobson Lane, recent Chesterton Heights/Sydenham encroachment on the countryside and extension of the South Farm development.

* Other areas of district should share in the development if necessary

* Would it be sensible to wait until the HS2 decision is finalised and locate housing in the areas close to the line which those to the north of the town seemingly consider will be blighted beyond use anyway.

Full text:

If this is not the correct channel through which to do this then please let me know.

I have 3 main objections to the plan for the following area (which I will detail later)

1) The assumption of the need for growth
2) The disproportionate new development to the south of Leamington and Whitnash
3) Particular objections to the development East of Whitnash

1) The assumption for the need for growth should be challenged by those within the authority because
a) There are areas of the UK (Including parts of the West Midlands) where proposed new employment and associated housing could be easily facilitated on brown field sites giving a positive impact on neglected communities and infrastructure. These sites may well prove less profitable for developers - but private company profits must not come first
b) Students Housing - A considerable and increasing number of houses in Leamington have been converted into student accommodation. If student accommodation was built nearer to transport hubs (or indeed the university) these houses could be converted back into normal residential use. The district should consider stopping all future conversions of housing into student housing if it genuinely believes all of the proposed homes are actually needed by local communities
c) Shops - with the rapid rise of internet shopping the conversion of shops on the fringe of the town centre into residential use should be considered as a step towards solving the perceived housing issue
2) The disproportionate new development to the south of Leamington and Whitnash
The character of the Whitnash area has already been greatly scarred with the development of Warwick Gates, Dobson Lane, recent Chesterton Heights/Sydenham encroachment on the countryside and extension of the South Farm development. It is time that other areas of district share in the development (if indeed it is truly necessary).
May be we should wait until the HS2 decision is finalised and place housing in the areas close to the line which those to the north of the town seemingly consider will be blighted beyond use anyway.
3) Particular objections to the development East of Whitnash
a) This development is a typical 'Sprawl' brought about purely by the fact that a developer is already in ownership of the land.
b) The development of Warwick Gates has already led to issues surrounding the shortage of primary school places in the local area. These new houses will be even closer to Briar Hill and St Margaret's Primary so there will be even more parents chasing few places.
c) Some of the fields in question are often subject to flooding. Any work to reduce their flooding risk could lead to increased risk elsewhere.