
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55477

Received: 05/07/2013

Respondent: Emma Brown

Representation Summary:

Too many houses proposed across the District

Full text:

I oppose the above for a number of reasons, 1)Amenities are already stretched to the limit around here
2) traffic is already awful, the roads around here can't cope with the traffic now! I haven't seen plans to build more major roads
3) you are planning to build on green belt land!
4) most of the houses are to be built around whitnash, this is unfair and the plans should show proportional representation
5) too many houses proposed full stop!
6)are there not too many gypsy sites proposed - how will this be managed? this is a concern for us as generally when a small amount of gypsies camp up in whitnash there is a police presence, which we would expect! Are you planning on a constant police presence? How much is this going to cost? Is there Enough resource To cope with this increased police presence? Council tax is already too high Rise in crime Anti-social behaviour

Whitnash has always been a nice place to live, if this proposal goes through we will look to move!