
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55454

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Martin Atkin

Representation Summary:

-I am pleased that the council has recognised that the Exceptional Circumstances to develop the Green Belt to the North of Leamington do not exist.
-The RDS proposes that a substantial proportion of the new development is located close to where there are employment opportunities (to the south of Leamington and Warwick) providing an opportunity for people to live close to their place of work. Furthermore there is almost unlimited green space to the south of Leamington where the nearest town is Banbury.
-The RDS provides adequate improvements to the road network.
-The RDS provides for necessary infrastructure upgrading.
-The RDS has a fair distribution of new housing across the District. 16% of the new houses will be in the Green Belt North of Leamington, at Thickthorn and Lillington. 15% of the proposed development will be in Warwickshire Villages.
-Should more houses be required because of the joint SHMA with Coventry, ther eis sufficient non Green Belt land to accommodate it.
-The RDS removes the proposal to build 2000 houses on the North Leamington Green Belt. Through the better use of Brownfield sites only 325 further houses are proposed on Greenfield land than was proposed in the Preferred Options for the Local Plan published last year.

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