
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55419

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr D Hunter

Agent: Framptons

Representation Summary:

Site off Bamburgh Grove, Northumberland Road should be excluded from the green belt for housing development. The deliverability of this land has never been dependant upon the release of a more substantial area of land from the green belt to the north and west. Sufficient access rights have been retained from Bamburgh Drive to provide a development compatible with the surrounding pattern of development. The land is well enclosed by boundary shrubs and hedges in contrast to more open countryside north and west. The release of this land would not prejudice the purposes of the green belt. The Council cannot be sure it has made adequate provision for housing while the result of the joint SHMA is pending. It is anticipated that land may be needed in locations with good access to Coventry to meet the development requirements of the City which cannot be met within the administrative boundary. The District does not have a five year housing supply and the local plan is relying on a limited number of large allocation which take time to deliver. This site has no technical or environmental constraints and can be brought forward promptly following its release from the green belt.

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