
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55302

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Alison Kelly

Representation Summary:

Serious concerns over the potential impact upon health and wellbeing. Will have serious health impacts upon local residents. Local roads which are already in excess of capacity will be unable to support the additional traffic which will result in additional pollution and further decline in already poor air quality.

May result in an increase in respiratory conditions.
As more traffic is introduced even more will become stationary and slow moving causing an increased concentration of pollution in the Myton area.

Extremely concerned about the potential health impact upon the residents of Warwick and surrounding areas. Air Quality Action plan (2008) shows poor air quality, worst area being Warwick town centre. Seeks confirmation that the issue of air quality is being thoroughly investigated as an urgent matter of Public Health.

Convinced that this Plan will be opposed in its entirety if it is found to be detrimental to the health of residents. Would welcome assurance that this will be done in good time so that the results can be published for local residents to consider well in advance of any decision on the Local Plan itself.

Full text:

Dear Dr Linnane


I am writing to you, as Director of Public Health with reference to serious concerns the residents of Myton have over the potential impact upon our health and wellbeing under Warwick District Council's preferred option within the New Local Plan, for a large concentration of circa 3420 dwellings on the greenfield land to the south of Warwick between Myton Road and Europa Way, presently an Area of Restraint, and the joining up with Warwick Gates.

Such a development would have serious health impacts upon local residents, in view of the conservative estimate of 6000+ additional vehicles introduced to the local roads which are, as you will be aware, already in excess of capacity and will be unable to support this additional traffic which will result in additional pollution and further decline in already poor air quality.

This may result in an increase in respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic lung diseases and of course a contribution factor to lung cancer as implicated in recent reports. As more traffic is introduced even more will become stationary and slow moving causing an increased concentration of pollution in the Myton area.

I am extremely concerned about the potential health impact upon the residents of Warwick and surrounding areas.

The 2008 Air Quality Action plan for Warwick district clearly shows a shocking picture of the poor air quality, with the very worst area being Warwick town centre, Warwick being the most developed area of the district over the past 20 years or so.

Of particular interest is the comment on page 17:

Policy ER.2: Environmental Impact of Development
"The environmental impact of all proposed development on ...., air, ..... must be thoroughly assessed, and measures secured to mitigate adverse environmental effects to acceptable levels. Local plans should include policies to ensure this takes place. The impact of existing sources of environmental pollution on the occupants of any proposed new development should also be taken into account. All assessment of environmental impact should take account of, and where possible seek to reduce, uncertainty over the implications of the proposed development. If adverse impacts cannot be mitigated to acceptable levels, development will not be permitted."

I therefore seek urgent confirmation that the issue of air quality is being thoroughly investigated as an urgent matter of Public Health.

I am convinced that this Local Plan in it's current form will be opposed in it's entirety if it is found to be detrimental to the health of residents.

I would also welcome your assurance, as the Director of Public Health, that this will be done in good time so that the results can be published for local residents to consider well in advance of any decision on the Local Plan itself.