
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55271

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr David Williams

Representation Summary:

Objects to proposals to develop south of Warwick. The area attracts residents and visitors due to its proximity to rural areas and variety of green spaces. The new localplan appears to be intent on destroying the vista and atmosphere of Warwick by mass market house builders whose main aim is to cram as many houses as possible on to each acre. Recent local developments show the lack of forethought of local planners. Does not believe that there is a pressing need for housing that such a large area needs to be blighted. There seems to have been little thought to te impacts of new houses on the environment, drainage and quality of life. There are large numbers of sub standard houses in Warwick and Leamington which could be improved. HS2 will already blight a large area of Warwickshire there is no need for Warwick DC to blight more.

Full text:

I am writing to express my objection in the strongest possible terms to your plans to concrete over a large area of land to the South of Warwick.

Warwick has attracted both residents and visitors alike for hundreds of years because of its proximity to rural areas. Indeed for many years it was christened "Leafy Warwickshire" because of its variety of trees and green areas.

The new local plan appears to be intent on destroying the vista and the atmosphere of Warwick by promoting the large scale destruction of a large tract of land by mass-market house builders, whose main aim appears to be to cram as many houses onto each acre of land as possible. Fairly recent developments near to Southam and on the former Potterton site illustrate the lack of forethought of local planners. The Southam development is so cramped that one poorly parked vehicle can obstruct the entry of emergency services to the whole site and the flats at Portobello are so awful that many were offered at peppercorn rents to housing associations in order to get them off the developers books.

I do not believe there is such a pressing need for housing that such a large area needs to be blighted by more houses. There appears to have been very little thought given to the impacts of this number of new houses on the environment, drainage and quality of life of existing residents. But there are large numbers of sub-standard houses in Warwick and Leamington that could and should be improved. HS2 will already blight a large area of Warwickshire, there is no need - in my opinion - for Warwick DC to destroy even more of our county.