
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55249

Received: 22/07/2013

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Jones

Number of people: 2

Representation Summary:

Concerned regarding proposed housing south of Warwick which threatens to blight the lives of all who currently reside in this beautiful Town.

Highways and Traffic:

Cannot possibly see how the local roads could cope with the increased traffic this would create. Roads may have additional lanes added to them but when they all lead through Warwick Town Centre, this surely creates no more than a thoroughfare through the centre of Warwick.

Local residents of the Myton Road area have already been subjected to increased traffic and chaos as a result of the new commercial units, namely Morrisons, Lidl and Aldi.

The huge increase in traffic along the Myton Road which is directly related to these units already brings increased risk of accidents and or injury to local residents, road users but more importantly the many children who travel along this road by foot or bike en route to school and would be at increased risk should the transport links become even more congested than they already are.

Air and Noise Pollution:

As parents of 2 children, the risk of increased pollution which would inevitably occur on an even busier road is also a major concern,not to mention the increase noise pollution which has already increased significant;y since the opening of both Morrisons and Aldi.

All locals should feel very fortunate to live in this beautiful town with its magical history, beautiful buildings and surrounding countryside together with local amenities. Hope that we do not lose our beautiful town as a result of our Council ignoring the wishes of those who matter and subsequently making the wrong decision.

Please listen to those who are lucky enough to call Warwick their home before it is too late.

Full text:

We wish to voice our concerns regarding the above proposed housing which threatens to blight the lives of all who currently reside in this beautiful Town. Local residents of the Myton Road area have already been subjected to increased traffic and chaos as a result of the new commercial units, namely Morrisons, Lidl and Aldi.

The huge increase in traffic along the Myton Road which we believe is directly related to these units already brings increased risk of accidents and or injury to local residents, road users but more importantly the many many children who travel along this road by foot or bike en route to school would be at increased risk should the transport links become even more congested than they already are.

As parents of 2 children, the risk of increased pollution which would inevitably occur on an even busier road is also a major concern,not to mention the increase noise pollution which has already increased significant;y since the opening of both Morrisons and Aldi. We moved to this location just 5 years ago, believing it to be a desirable area with excellent links and amenities close by but close enough to be a couple of minutes from our beautiful countryside. We did not and would not choose to live surrounded by huge housing developments. We cannot possibly see how the local roads could cope with the increased traffic this would create. Roads may have additional lanes added to them but when they all lead through Warwick Town Centre, this surely creates no more than a thoroughfare through the centre of Warwick.

Warwick has always been a very desirable place to live and all locals should feel very fortunate to live in this beautiful town with its magical history, beautiful buildings and surrounding countryside together with local amenities. Let us all hope that we do not lose our beautiful town as a result of our Council ignoring the wishes of those who matter and subsequently making the wrong decision.

Please listen to those who are lucky enough to call Warwick their home before it is too late.