
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55232

Received: 22/07/2013

Respondent: Celia Hardiman

Representation Summary:

Has lived in Warwick and its surrounds for the past 26 years, and witnessed the mass developments of Warwick Gates and Chase Meadow. Likes living in Warwick and considers that the proposed new development would be detrimental to the towns of Warwick and Leamington Spa.

The proposed new 6,630 homes to be built in the area will put strains on the infastructure, especially Myton Road which is currently impassable at certain times of the day. The level of traffic will increase significantly once some 6,000 more cars (assuming each of the new households will have a car) are inflicted on the area.

Nuisance and Disruption:
Just suffered from the road works at the Ford Foundry Roundabout and also the on-going disruptions of the sewage pipe upgrade.

The construction period is also therefore a cause for concern with construction vehicles on the roads from now until 2029.

Understand that have to provide new employment areas, but there are too many at present not utilise. These should be given a favourable rate to encourage occupation before building a 22 ha site.

Is the Council expecting a big boom in the economy in our area as most economists are predicting a long haul out of the recession?

The provision of a good cycle network would help and not the poor quality shared spaces on roads.

Currently there is only one bus along the Myton Road which is the X18 and is an hourly service. Should make this every 20 minutes and affordable - in this way there may be less cars on the road.

What is to stop the bus providers from modifying their service from a 20 minute service to say, hourly in the future?

Full text:

Having lived in Warwick and its surrounds for the past 26 years, I have witnessed the mass developments of Warwick Gates and Chase Meadow. It seems to me that with the proposed new 6,630 homes to be built in the area, it will put strains on the infastructure, which is at times creaking, especially Myton Road which is currently impassible at certain times of the day, and having just suffered from the roadworks at the Ford Foundary Roundabout and also the ongoing disruptions of the sewage pipe upgrade, this leads me to believe that the level of traffic will increase significantly once some 6,000 more cars (assuming each of the new households will have a car) are inflicted on the area. The construction period is also a cause for concern with construction vehicles on the roads from now until 2029.

The provision of a good cycle network would help somewhat and not what we currently have which is where some bits of cycleway end up on the road in a very pot holy gutters on the narrowest part of the road (see the bit by Lidl which shoves you onto the road by the canal bridge which is new.)

As for the promise of an upgraded bus route to the new developments. Currently there is only one bus along the Myton Road which is the X18 this is an hourly service, maybe you should think of making that every 20 minutes and affordable - in this way there may be less cars on the road. In your plan what is there to stop the bus providers from modifying thei service from a 20 minute service to say, hourly in the future.

I like living in Warwick and my feelings are that the proposed new development would be detrimental to the towns of Warwick and Leamington Spa.

I understand that with all the houses you have to provide employment areas, but there are too many at present not utilised, may be rates etc should be given at a favourable rate to get these occupied before buildinga 22 ha site. Are you expecting a big boom in the economy in our area as most economists are prediciting a long haul out of the recession.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly on the above matters.