
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55207

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Kate Osbourne

Representation Summary:

The projected housing of 12,300 is far too many. Every new house has most likely 2 cars which will be needed to get to work. The beautiful river Avon bridge into Warwick will not take any more volume of traffic. Warwick town centre is already full, polluted and will get only worse if these plans are allowed to go ahead. At peak times when the schools are in not out the traffic jams in both directions along Myton Road are awful. The developer promised a school and play area but neither materialised.

What is happening to the over 1,000 empty houses in Warwick? Need to look at the infrastructure much more carefully so all tastes are covered. Should look at water, education, green infrastructure, health facilities, sports facilities, the police, our libraries and especially our roads.

We need to stop and think much more carefully about these plans and their wider implications.

Full text:

Sadly I was only able to stay at the meeting in the Guy Nelson Hall until 8.30p.m.last Monday and we had only reached Q4 by this time. I left feeling that everyone had worked very hard, it was well
presented but the vital question had not been addressed.
We all know that the builders have "sticky" fingers (my son has lived on Warwick Gates for about 9 years now), that the projected housing of 12,300 is far too many, that every new house
has most likely 2 cars which will be needed to get to work, that the beautiful river Avon bridge into Warwick will not take any more volume of traffic, that Warwick town centre is already full,
polluted and will get only worse if these plans are allowed to go ahead, that at peak times when the schools are in not out the traffic jams in both directions along Myton Road are awful, that
the developer promised a school and play area but neither materialised etc etc
The government/district council seems to be changing the rules to suit themselves. What is happening to the over 1,000 empty houses in Warwick? We need to look at the infrastructure much
more carefully so all tastes are covered. In this case we should look at water, education, green infrastructure, health facilities, sports facilities, the police, our libraries and especially our roads.

The speaker from The Warwick Society more or less presented his case as a fait accomplis. Why have public meetings if the developer has already been given the go ahead? We need to stop and
think much more carefully about these plans and their wider implications.

I've rambled but do feel very strongly about this. I have lived over 65 years in this area of Warwick and don't want to see it spoiled any more.

Then there are the possible Gypsy and Traveller sites..............