
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55186

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Rachel Butt

Representation Summary:

Objects to the fact that the RDS places the vast majorty of new housing to the south side on the district and much of it in and around Whitnash.

This area has been subject to non-stop growth & development over the past 20 years and more and has in that time lost some of its identity as a separate town within the district.

Traffic on even small residential roads has increased because of parents travelling in to drop their children off at school to the extent it now poses a hazard for the many children who do walk to school in Whitnash.

On street parking outside library and post office [causing obstruction and delays] is a real problem.

Routes from south leamington through to the north and to warwick are always busy, buses although overpriced are often overcrowded making them unpleasant and uncomfortable to use.

It makes no sense to propose a major sub-regional employment site in the north-east of the district but no housing nearby. Surely will put more pressure on roads and is not remotely sustainable.

It is simply unfair that the new development should all be built around areas which have already borne the brunt of so much of the regions growth. Please reconsider.

Full text:

Dear Sir

I wish to express my objections to the fact that the new local plan places the vast majorty of new housing to the south side on the district and much of it in and around Whitnash. This area has been subject to non-stop growth & development over the past 20 years and more and has in that time lost some of its identity as a separate town within the district. Traffic on even small resiential roads has increased because of parents travelling in to drop their children off at school to the extent it now poses a hazard for the many children who do walk to school in Whitnash. Parking on our streets and particularly near facilities such as library and post office is a real problem - it is rare to find a legal parking place with cars parked on double yellows and, at the acre close shops, often backed up onto the main road. Routes from south leamington through to the north and to warwick are always busy, buses although overpriced are often overcrowded making them unpleasant and uncomfortable to use. To me it makes no sense that the plan refers on its front page to a "major sub-regional employment site in the north-east of the district" but NON of the housing is nearby. Surely this is just going to put more pressure on our roads and is not remotely sustainable.

As a specific interest to me as a resident of Home Farm Crescent is the proposal to put 500 dwellings east of whitnash. We overlook this site and as well as being important farmland and home to a good amount of wildlife, including otters, we have also noted the regular flooding of Whitnash brook which flows through/round this site. I have taken the liberty of attaching photos, taken earlier this year, to show how the brook regularly bursts its banks. It currently floods like this 3 or 4 times per year. Building on this site will just make this worse, and move the problem downstream towards Leamington itself.

It is simply unfair that the new development should all be built around areas which have already borne the brunt of so much of the regions growth. Please reconsider.