
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55141

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Peter Marsh

Representation Summary:

Object to the high number of additional housing to the south of Warwick and Leamington. In addition to being in contravention to WDC's own guidelines and a number of environmental indicators, the concentration of so much growth in one huge area is likely to destroy the much vaunted character of the two towns. The spreading of development across the district would better enable existing road capacity to cope with additional demands.

Full text:

I wish to object to the high number of proposals for additional housing to the south of Warwick and Leamington.

In addition to being in contravention to WDC's own guidelines and a number of environmental indicators, the concentration of so much growth in one huge area is likely to destroy the much vaunted character of the two towns. The existing north/south road corridors through both towns can barely cope with existing levels of traffic. The dualling of approach roads will simply lead to traffic reaching the "pinch points" i.e. Castle Bridge, Prince's Drive, Lower Avenue a few seconds quicker. The potential gridlock will not enhance Warwick as a tourist destination nor Leamington as a shopping and employment centre. There appear to be no proposals in the plan to alleviate this situation.

I would maintain that spreading development, if it is ever required at the scale proposed, across the WHOLE district would better enable existing road capacity to cope with additional demands.