
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55130

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Dr Andrew Entwistle

Representation Summary:

Council now recognises that the Exceptional Circumstances to develop the Green Belt to the North of Leamington do not exist. Crucial to preserve the green space between Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and Coventry. Not to do so will merge these areas with the larger West Midlands conurbation to their current and long-term detriment.

RDS is right to propose that most of the new development should be located close to employment opportunities to the South of Leamington & Warwick providing opportunities for people to live close to their work, reducing the need for commuting, hence road use, congestion, and noise and fuel pollution. RDS provides for the necessary schools and other infrastructure to support the new development.

Asks that the Council keep the housing requirement to a minimum and should more houses be required because of the Joint SHNA being performed with Coventry CC, there is sufficient non Green Belt land to accommodate this additional development.

Full text:

Dear Sir

I refer to the above plan and write to support the Revised Development Strategy as follows:
* The Council now recognises that the Exceptional Circumstances to develop the Green Belt to the North of Leamington do not exist.
* I have lived and worked most of my life in the Coventry-Kenilworth-Leamington-Warwick area and in this time the green space has been under threat. I think it is crucial to preserve the green space between Leamington, Kenilworth, Warwick and Coventry. Not to do so will merge these areas with the larger West Midlands conurbation to their current and long-term detriment.
* The Revised Development Strategy is right to propose that most of the new development should be located close to employment opportunities to the South of Leamington & Warwick. This provides opportunities for people to live close to their work. This will reduce the need for commuting, hence road use, congestion, and noise and fuel pollution.
* The Revised Development Strategy removes the proposal to build 2000 houses in the North Leamington Green Belt as proposed in the 'Preferred Options'(preferred by local councillors, not the public) for the Local Plan published last year. The reasons put forward in the 'Preferred Options' made no planning sense.
* The Revised Development Strategy provides for the necessary schools and other infra-structure to support the new development.
* I am not in a position to query the proposed numbers of new houses in the Revised Development Strategy but I do ask the Council to keep the housing requirement to a minimum. Should more houses be required because of the Joint Strategic Housing Needs Analysis being performed with Coventry City Council, I believe that there is sufficient non Green Belt land to accommodate this additional development.