
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55089

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Pat Robinson

Representation Summary:

Object to the very extensive development south of Warwick along side Europa Way for following reasons:

Level of growth:
* The development of 4500/6000 homes in that area is too large. The numbers of homes proposed appears to be based on encouraging net migration to the area rather than meeting the needs of local people.

* Totally disagree with this strategy and have seen no evidence that supports this. This would not benefit existing people who already live in the area,

Distribution of Housing
* It is unfair that so much of the development is south of Warwick and Leamington, and has not been shared out fairly throughout the whole of Warwick district.

Loss of Agricultural land:
* The land south of Warwick is very good farmland and should not been developed when land in the green belt, designated over 50 years ago, has been given an unjustifiable premium.

Traffic and Air Quality:
* Road congestion in Warwick and Leamington is considerable and the changes proposed to roads seem to encourage cars to drive through the town centre of Warwick rather than using the bypass.

This is ridiculous approach particularly as air quality in Warwick and Leamington does not not comply with EU regulation. More cars will exacerbate health problems.

Flood Risk:
* Concreting over land west of Europa way will result in unprecedented levels of flooding.

* Flooding has continued to be an ongoing problem since Warwick Technology Park was developed and also houses on Trinity school site.

Large areas of green area need to be included in any development plans.

* New employment land requirements are far too great:

* It took many years to fill Warwick Technology Park.
* Land for industry by Warwick Gates has been reassigned to residential due to lack of interest: and
* no companies have expressed an interest in the Ford Foundry site other than shops.

* A new village should be developed by the Coventry Gateway area rather than making problems much worse in existing residential areas of War wick sand Leamington.

Full text:

I wish to object to the very extensive development south of Warwick along side Europa Way. My reasons are as follows:
1) The development of 4500/6000 homes in that area is too large. The numbers of homes proposed appears to be based on encouraging net migration to the area rather than meeting the needs of local people. I totally disagree with this strategy and have seen no evidence that supports this. This would not benefit existing people who already live in the area,

2) It is unfair that so much of the development is south of Warwick and Leamington, and has not been shared out fairly throughout the whole of Warwick district. The land south of Warwick is very good farmland and should not been developed when land in the green belt, designated over 50 years ago, has been given an unjustifiable premium.

3) Road congestion in Warwick and Leamington is considerable and the changes proposed to roads seem to encourage cars to drive through the town centre of Warwick rather than using the bypass. This is a ridiculous approach particularly as air quality in Warwick and Leamington does not not comply with EU regulation. More cars will exacerbate health problems and Warwick DC plans will introduce in excess of 12000 cars to this existing poor air quality area.

4) Concreting over land west of Europa way will result in unprecedented levels of flooding. Flooding has continued to be an ongoing problem since Warwick Technology Park was developed and also houses on Trinity school site. Large areas of green area need to be included in any development plans.

5) Proposals for industrial areas are far to great bearing in mind it took many years to fill Warwick Technology Park. Land for industry by Warwick Gates has been reassigned to residential due to lack of interest and no companies have expressed an interest in the Ford Foundry site other than shops.

I suggest that a new village be developed by the Coventry Gateway area rather than making problems much worse in existing residential areas of War wick sand Leamington.