
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55085

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: John Robinson

Representation Summary:

Object to the Local Plan and its emphasis on putting 4,500 homes south of Warwick on the following grounds:

* The numbers of homes proposed are far greater than the local need of about 6,000, and a considerable number of these can be accommodated within brown field sites and where planning permission is already given

* The proposal to build south of Warwick is illogical in that employment is generally north of Warwick, towards Coventry, and traffic would be required to cross Warwick / Leamington on roads that are heavily congested at peak times.

* The suggestions to mitigate the problem by changing road junctions is not credible. Creating a commuter area where everyone has to travel some distance to work is not sustainable.

* The growth of Warwick, and associated traffic will increase pollution, which is already exceeds permitted limits locally, to encompass the schools on Myton Road, which would further endanger the health of thousands of children.

The plan should be looked at afresh, so that any large developments should be able to stand alone in terms of infrastructure - schools, transport, health, drainage etc, without relying on Warwick / Leamington's historic , and limited resources to absorb their demands.

Developers not the Council Tax payers should cover full cost of infrastructure.

Full text:

I wish to object to the Local Plan and its emphasis on putting 4,500 homes south of Warwick on the following grounds:

The numbers of homes proposed are far greater than the local need of about 6,000, and a considerable number of these can be accommodated within brown field sites and where planning permission is already given

The proposal to build south of Warwick is illogical in that employment is generally north of Warwick, towards Coventry, and traffic would be required to cross Warwick / Leamington on roads that are heavily congested at peak times. The suggestions to mitigate the problem by changing road junctions is not credible. Creating a commuter area where everyone has to travel some distance to work is not sustainable.

The growth of Warwick, and associated traffic will increase pollution, which is already exceeds permitted limits locally, to encompass the schools on Myton Road, which would further endanger the health of thousands of children.

Specific proposals to develop land owned by Oken Trust and Henry VIII trust West of Europa Way endanger Myton with flooding. The risk is such that the proposals acknowledge this in including 'Sustainable Urban Drainage' SUDS within the initial plans. Recent published material and guildlines indicate that if SUDS are proposed, then it is probable that building should not be carried out on that land anyway.

I believe the plan should looked at afresh, so that any large developments should be able to stand alone in terms of infrastructure - schools, transport, health, drainage etc, without relying on Warwick / Leamington s historic , and limited resources to absorb their demands.
This will mean that land owners and developers will not be able to make a killing, because they will have to cost in the infrastructure, rather than the Councill tax payers having to pick it up