
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 55039

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: M.B. Winn

Representation Summary:

Obect to building further houses on the land north of Leamington:

* The development proposed would completely alter the nature of Old Milverton.

* The fields by the allotments off Old Milverton Road are regularly and heavily used by people for walking, running and exercising their dogs.

* Any building would be higher than existing housing and would dominate not only the houses but the landscape too.

* Further development would render the town less attractive to business people.

* This green belt is very precious and once built upon we will never get it back

Full text:

I am writing to reiterate my objection to building further houses on the land north of Leamington. The development proposed would completely alter the nature of Old Milverton. The fields by the allotments off Old Milverton Road are regularly and heavily used by people for walking, running and exercising their dogs. This is good for health and the area acts as a kind of a lung for the area. Any building would be higher than existing housing and would dominate not only the houses but the landscape too. It would be a disaster. Leamington needs to remain attractive to business people who want attractive housing and countryside. Further development would render the town less attractive. Once again I write to express my objections to any development. This green belt is very precious and once built upon we will never get it back