
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54997

Received: 28/07/2013

Respondent: David Packwood

Representation Summary:

Object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed massive development to the south of Warwick and Whitnash:

* This area already suffers appalling traffic congestion and new roads and larger junctions will only feed more vehicles in the existing pinch points.

* The towns of Leamington and especially Warwick are small, the urban sprawl around is already large in relation to the town centres.

* This development would reduce the quality of life in the locality and put further pressure on already overloaded education and health services.

* The air pollution in Warwick, which is already at illegal levels will be made worse by increased traffic volumes and congestion,

* Development of fields with buildings and roads will almost certainly result flooding in some places that had previously been unaffected.

* Warwick's magnificent Castle deserves some green space.

Please Please reject this plan.

Full text:

I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed massive development to the south of Warwick and Whitnash.
This area already suffers appalling traffic congestion and new roads and larger junctions will only feed more vehicles in the existing pinch points.
The towns of Leamington and especially Warwick are small, the urban sprawl around is already large in relation to the town centres. This development would reduce the quality of life in the locality and put further pressure on already overloaded education and health services. The air pollution in Warwick, which is already at illegal levels will be made worse by increased traffic volumes and congestion, also covering these fields with buildings and roads will almost certainly result flooding in some places that had previously been unaffected.
Finally Warwicks magnificent Castle deserves some green space. Please Please reject this plan.