
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54981

Received: 16/07/2013

Respondent: Anne Copping

Representation Summary:

Objects to RDS on following grounds:

* Proposals will change the nature of Warwick from edge of town to urban sprawl;

* 7000 extra cars on the road ( two per household);

* Already unsustainable traffic at Myton Road cross roads, Warwick Castle roundabout and Smith Street;

* Extra cars mean extra pollution in the town centre;

* More traffic will bring even more through traffic despite the new Jury Street layout thus destroying our historic Medieval town.

Full text:

As a resident of Warwick I should like to draw attention to the following objections to the proposals on the grounds as set out below
> ** they will change the nature of Warwick from edge of town to urban sprawl.
> ** 7000 extra cars on the road ( two per household )
> ** already unsustainable traffic at Myton Road cross roads, Warwick Castle roundabout and
> Smith Street.
> ** extra cars mean extra pollution in the town centre
> ** more traffic will bring even more through traffic despite the new Jury Street layout thus
> destroying our historic Medieval town.