
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54964

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ian Sykes

Representation Summary:

Objects to the draft plan on the following grounds:-

* The number of houses planned for South Warwick is not sustainable, is weighted too heavily compared to other areas of the district.

* The infrastructure will not be able to cope, especially traffic, even with so-called improvements. The conservation areas of St. Nicholas Church St., Castle Hill, Banbury Road Bridge and Bridge End will not be enhanced, and the pollution from traffic will be worsened above already illegal limits.

* It should be the councils aim to reduce traffic levels on the already congested roads and maintain Warwick as a historical town that tourists wish to visit, not a polluted clogged traffic monster.

Full text:

I would like to object to the District Council draft plan:-
The number of houses planned for South Warwick is not sustainable, is weighted too heavily compared to other areas of the district.
The infrastructure will not be able to cope, especially traffic, even with so-called improvements. The conservation areas of St. Nicholas Church St., Castle Hill, Banbury Road Bridge and Bridge End will not be enhanced, and the pollution from traffic will be worsened above already illegal limits.
It should be the councils aim to reduce traffic levels on the already congested roads and maintain Warwick as a historical town that tourists wish to visit, not a polluted clogged traffic monster.