
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54963

Received: 14/07/2013

Respondent: Mr John Leary

Representation Summary:

Objects to RDS on the following grounds:

Scale and Distribution:
* most of the houses are to be built around Whitnash, this is not fair and the plans should show proportional representation;
* too many houses proposed!

* Amenities are already stretched to the limit;


* traffic is already awful, the roads around here can't cope with the traffic now!;
* Hasn't seen plans to build more major roads;

* planning to build on green belt land!;
* Whitnash has always been a nice place to live, if this proposal goes through we will look to move!

Full text:

I oppose the above for a number of reasons, 1)Amenities are already
> > stretched to the limit around here
> > 2) traffic is already awful, the roads around here can't cope with
> > the traffic now! I haven't seen plans to build more major roads
> > 3) you are planning to build on green belt land!
> > 4) most of the houses are to be built around whitnash, this is
> > unfair and the plans should show proportional representation
> > 5) too many houses proposed full stop!
> > 6)are there not too many gypsy sites proposed - how will this be
> > managed? this is a concern for us as generally when a small amount
> > of gypsies camp up in whitnash there is a police presence, which we
> > would expect! Are you planning on a constant police presence? How
> > much is this going to cost? Is there Enough resource To cope with
> > this increased police presence? Council tax is already too high Rise
> > in crime Anti-social behaviour
> >
> > Whitnash has always been a nice place to live, if this proposal goes through we will look to move!