
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54948

Received: 14/07/2013

Respondent: Helen Bench

Representation Summary:

Objects to the RDS to build up to 12,000 new houses in the Warwick area.

The plan is for far too many houses. It will ruin the local area because the roads, schools and hospitals will not be able to cope.

This plan is deeply flawed. It is for too many houses, in the wrong places, without adequate transport infrastructure and it will damage Warwick town and its people.

Urges Council not to proceed with it.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the draft local plan to build up to 12,000 new houses in the Warwick area.

The plan is for far to many houses. It will ruin the local area because the roads, schools and hospitals will not be able to cope.

This plan is deeply flawed. It is for too many houses, in the wrong places, without adequate transport infrastructure and it will damage Warwick town and its people.

I urge you not to proceed with it.