
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54917

Received: 11/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Helen Griffiths

Representation Summary:

Strongly Objects to the RDS:

Traffic and Congestion:
* Lives in Bridge End and drives or walks daily into central Warwick;

* The traffic at peak times is extremely heavy and fears that if the proposed housing goes ahead the road will become even more congested;

* Finds it very difficult to cross the Banbury Road to go to St Nicholas Park. The road is becoming ever more dangerous for children and elderly people to cross and has witnessed several 'near misses'.

Air Quality and Health:
* Suffer from a lung condition and the air on Castle Hill, in particular, is very polluted. This will be exacerbated by more traffic.

Full text:

I write to strongly oppose the revised development strategy- local plan of Warwick.

I live in Bridge End and drive or walk daily into central Warwick. The traffic at peak times is extremely heavy and I fear that if the proposed housing goes ahead the road will become even more congested. I find it very difficult to cross the Banbury Road when taking my dog to St Nicholas Park. The road is becoming ever more dangerous for children and elderly people to cross and I have witnessed several 'near misses'.

I suffer from a lung condition and the air on Castle Hill, in particular, is very polluted. This will be exacerbated by more traffic.

Thank you for attention to this matter.