
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54912

Received: 22/07/2013

Respondent: Mike Hardiman

Representation Summary:

Object to the plan in its existing form because:

Traffic and Transport:
1. Existing infrastructure already at breaking point particularly at certain times along Myton Road. There appear to be no plans to improve this so no additional estate development should be allowed with access onto Myton Road.

2. The additional traffic generated will impact adversely on Warwick & Leamington town centres. Residents will choose to shop elsewhere rather than be stuck in traffic queues.
This could be partly counter balanced with new footpaths and cycle lanes (not painted lines on roads) leading right into city centres and undercover cycle parks

3. New housing should be employment led. Make it attractive for exist employers to expand and new ones to set up. Delay granting housing estate building permission until there is clear evidence of potential demand.

Housing Mix:
4-A percentage of every parcel of land for which developers are seeking permission to build on should be allocated to be sold in individual plots for self build. Suggest 10%.

Full text:

1. Existing infrastructure already at breaking point particularly at certain times along Myton Road. There appear to be no plans to improve this so no additional estate development should be allowed with access onto Myton Road
2. The additional traffic generated will impact adversely on Warwick & Leamington town centres. Residents will choose to shop else where rather that be stuck in traffic queues. This could be partly counter balanced with inviting new footpaths and cycle lanes (not painted lines on roads) leading right into city centres and undercover cycle parks
3. Employment. New housing should be employment led. Make it attractive for exist employers to expand and new ones to set up. Delay granting housing estate building permission until there is clear evidence of potential demand
4. A percentage of every parcel of land for which developers are seeking permission to build on should be allocated to be sold in individual plots for self build. Suggest 10%