
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54851

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Mr. David Clough

Representation Summary:

As chairman of the Whitnash Charitable Trust feels that WDC have lost the plot on the new local plan.
Over 4000 houses being built south of the river which will cause problems with every service needed to run this area effectively. This includes schools, transport, doctors etc. The idea that the council do not have a case to use green belt land is not founded as they have passed plans for the Gateway Business park, also it is suggested that Gipsy sites can be built on green belt land The idea that 9 cllrs can vote this plan into law against the wishes of the people of Whitnash should not be allowed to happen.

Full text:

As chairman of the Whitnash Charitable Trust I feel that WDC have lost the plot on the new local plan.Over 4000 houses being built south of the river which will cause problems with every service needed to run this area effectively. This includes schools, transport, doctors etc. The idea that the council do not have a case to use green belt land is not founded as they have passed plans for the Gateway Business park, also it is suggested that Gipsy sites can be built on green belt land The idea that 9 cllrs can vote this plan into law against the wishes of the people of Whitnash should not be allowed to happen.