
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54768

Received: 25/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Richard Chamberlain

Representation Summary:

Proposed New Local Plan is deeply flawed and fundamentally not in the best interests of Warwick or District. Fully supports the submissions being made by the Warwick Society and those who take a similar view to the Warwick Society.

Full text:

I consider the proposed New Local Plan deeply flawed and fundamentally NOT in the best interests of Warwick or District.
I fully support the submissions being made by the Warwick Society and those who take a similar view to the Warwick Society.

Once again the W.D.C. says one thing and in the event does the opposite. In my opinion the W.D.C, W.C.C. and others should be ashamed at producing these proposals. Warwick is being systematically destroyed and by those paid to protect it.