
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54520

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Miss Carol Duckfield

Representation Summary:

This revised plan does not answer my question from the previous version. How does the council plan to maintain its levels of affordability long term are these requirements to be taken up by housing associations or the council? This is the only way I can see the affordability requirements being maintained long term, otherwise they will be purchased by private individuals and market forces will prevail and they will no longer be affordable

Full text:

This revised plan does not answer my question from the previous version. How does the council plan to maintain its levels of affordability long term are these requirements to be taken up by housing associations or the council? This is the only way I can see the affordability requirements being maintained long term, otherwise they will be purchased by private individuals and market forces will prevail and they will no longer be affordable