
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54468

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Peter Horgan

Representation Summary:

1. This is green belt site and no need for employment land has been demonstrated

2. There is a massive oversupply of employment land within the area, estimated to be 20 years. Abbey Park and Stoneleigh Park are struggling to find tenants.

3. There is inadequate provision for the disposal of surface water - a major concern South of the A46. There has been flooding on several occasions in Ashow over in recent years. The newly installed inadequate system provided by WDC, already operates at maximum capacity in heavy rain and the introduction of further surface water will cause flooding

Full text:

1. This is green belt site and no need for employment land has been demonstrated

2. There is a massive oversupply of employment land within the area, estimated to be 20 years. Abbey Park and Stoneleigh Park are struggling to find tenants.

3. There is inadequate provision for the disposal of surface water - a major concern South of the A46. There has been flooding on several occasions in Ashow over in recent years. The newly installed inadequate system provided by WDC, already operates at maximum capacity in heavy rain and the introduction of further surface water will cause flooding