
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54350

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Midland Red (South) Ltd. dba Stagecoach Midlands

Representation Summary:

We support this allocation, which would tend to consolidate the urban form and gives opportunities to develop patronage on existing and improved services between the strategic growth zone and Warwick. We consider this site is best developed as a residentially-led scheme. Bus services need not penetrate the site, and higher density is justified on the northern edge of the proposed allocation adjoining the existing bus route.

Full text:

Stagecoach Midlands supports this allocation in principle. The initial proposals made in a formal outline application by the developers for the eastern portion of this area did not anticipate bus services entering the site. The road layout would involve excessive circuity and only allow buses to serve the far edge of the development, which would mitigate strongly against effective and attractive bus service provision.
Those proposals have recently been withdrawn. We submit that any future master planning approach for this site and the land to the west, should be comprehensive, and assume the retention and enhancement of the existing bus routing, with good, well-surveilled pedestrian links to quality bus stops provided on Harbury Lane, spaced between 280-330m apart. This justifies higher densities on the northern edge of future proposals.
Proposals here should help support high-quality links from the area towards Warwick and thus can be considered to support the consolidation of demand on an existing public transport corridor.
We agree this area is less suitable for employment-led development, from a public transport perspective, not least because we believe it is more operationally expedient to provide the P&R and the Technology Park extension to the north of Harbury Lane, immediately adjoining the Technology Park and its extension.