
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 54345

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Midland Red (South) Ltd. dba Stagecoach Midlands

Representation Summary:

Strategic scale proposals are already coming forward in a piecemeal fashion, undermining the ability for strategic policy to optimise the opportunities to rebalance the pattern of development towards more sustainable modes.

The current Strategy does not tend to support high-quality public transport provision, as major bus route corridors are not always clearly identified serving new development, and density is too low where corridors are identified.

Full text:

Stagecoach Midlands has concerns that the strategic development proposals set out in the Strategy are coming forward through the development control system in an uncoordinated manner, in advance of the strategic Policy framework to guide this development being in place. These proposals now account for the majority of the strategic quantum. Having reviewed all of them, we find that in most cases, little consideration has been given to providing a sustainable high quality bus service within convenient walking distances of homes. We will make our separate representations on individual proposals in due course.
In general, Stagecoach Midlands believes that the density proposals do not support high-quality public transport provision. Within an average density of 30-35 dwg/Ha Master Plans should make provision for higher density along proposed bus corridors, even if this is offset by lower densities in the more remote areas.