
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 53593

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Anne Roberts

Representation Summary:

Concerns about possible new location for Rugby and Cricket grounds.

Full text:

Re Paragraph 5.2.24 - relocation of the sports grounds. At the Kenilworth Community Forum on 1st July, Castle Farm was suggested as an alternative venue for the Wardens and the Rugby club. Any move to Castle Farm will have a knock on effect on traffic and consequently noise and wildlife through the residential and semi rural areas surrounding Borrowell Lane and Castle Road. It is already difficult to pull out from Borrowell Lane and the access road to Castle road, onto Castle Road and increased traffic from sports grounds would seriously exacerbate this. There is already a high volume of traffic along Castle Road as a main route to Birmingham, and any increase would create substantial noise pollution and damage the environment around the Castle grounds.