
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 53271

Received: 21/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Joanna Batt

Representation Summary:

This area should not be developed due to:
Air pollution already being illegal in this area
Enormous issues with traffic access to this site
Potential complete coalescence between Warwick and Leamington Spa
Far too high a concentration of new housing being put in South Warwick.

Full text:

This area forms the only real carrier to coalescence between Warwick and Leamington, and is a beautiful area of agricultural land. Building a significant number of houses etc on this site will contribute to the already illegal levels of air pollution in the town, as more people will be driving to and from places of work, schools etc, not to mention the pollution causes during development. The road access to this site is already highly congested at rush hue, with traffic queuing up Gallows Hill, Banbury Road and Europa Way. There is no local transport in this area to accommodate more residents. This would also aesthetically compromise this historic market town, reducing visitor attraction, and compromising the town's economic gains from the many tourists who currently visit.