
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 52764

Received: 09/07/2013

Respondent: John Griffiths

Representation Summary:

The main issue with the proposed plan is the impact that traffic generated by the new development areas to the south of Warwick will have on congestion, safety, pollution and noise, and consequently a significant adverse impact on the amenity of the areas of Bridge End, Mill Street, Smith Street, and St. Nicholas Church Street. It will also add to further congestion on Banbury Road and Myton Road at peak times.

Full text:

The changes proposed in the Strategic Development Sites south of Warwick will generate an extra 4,000 to 5,000 extra vehicles using the southern approach roads in Warwick that are already subject to severe traffic congestion. Adding traffic lights does not address the fact that there is only one bridge available across the Avon which was built in the 18th century, has a 7.5 ton weight restriction, and only allows single lane traffic in each direction. These developments will only bring more traffic, greater congestion, air pollution and traffic noise onto this already overloaded bridge. As a pedestrian, it is already very difficult to cross the Banbury Road at peak times due to the continuous stream of cars. This also already causes a problem for the school children trying to gain access to the schools on Myton Road, and their parents trying to collect them on overcrowded roads.