
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 52712

Received: 05/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Trudi Wheat

Representation Summary:

Urbanization of a small tourist town. How does this wider roundabout fit in with Stoneleigh Park slip roads off of the A46? The back log of traffic when lights were put in for Sainsbury's leads me to question the traffic arrangements. This needs to given a great deal of thought because of so many implications. Appearance of arrival to the tourists they do not want to spend time backed up in traffic and neither do the locals..

Full text:

Urbanization of a small tourist town. How does this wider roundabout fit in with Stoneleigh Park slip roads off of the A46? The back log of traffic when lights were put in for Sainsbury's leads me to question the traffic arrangements. This needs to given a great deal of thought because of so many implications. Appearance of arrival to the tourists they do not want to spend time backed up in traffic and neither do the locals..