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Representation ID: 47610

Received: 03/08/2012

Respondent: Ms Kate Disley

Representation Summary:

Dismayed at proposals to build on green belt land so widely used by members of the public. Makes Leamington attractive place to live.
Importance of enviornmental issues associated with wildlife and crops.
All other sites should be identified before we dig up heritage.
What are the 'exceptional circumsances'?

Full text:

Regarding the proposal to develop green belt land to the north of Leamington.
As a daily dog walker, runner and mother to four young children, I and my family are dismayed at the above proposal to build on land that is so widely used by all members of the public.
My children love to cycle along the paths, I enjoy running away from polluted roads and we all enjoy walking the family dog through these beautiful fields. For many children such as mine it is this absence of manicured park land that enables them to run a little more freely - attending to environmental issues such as the varying types of crops grown, the insects that frequent them and the wildlife that they observe in the hedgerows.
I moved here from London and have always valued Leamington Spa as a town set amid countryside. To deplete this accessible countryside unnecessarily when other non-green belt land has been identified would be a short-sighted view of just what makes Leamington such an attractive place to live in the first place.
Yes, houses are required and accommodation is an important issue that the whole country faces. But what makes England special? A week ago we all watched with pride as the Olympic Opening Ceremony portrayed our green and pleasant land. If there are possible areas that do not represent what makes our country special then every scrap should be used before we dig up what is our heritage. What are the council's 'exceptional circumstances' to warrant it's demise when sufficient and suitable available sites outside the Greenbelt have already been identified?
I, among many others, look forward to your response.

Kate Disley
Leamington Spa.