Affordable Housing SPD

Ended on the 22 February 2020


This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) expands upon those housing policies in the adopted Warwick District Local Plan (2011-2029) which are concerned with the provision of affordable housing. These policies include:

  • Policy H2 Affordable Housing
  • Policy H3 Affordable Housing on Rural Exception Sites

The supplementary information in this SPD provides guidance and information to developers of housing sites on aspects such as:

  • the Council's definition of affordable housing
  • when affordable housing will be sought on private housing development sites
  • how much affordable housing will be required
  • what types of affordable homes are most needed in Warwick District
  • ways in which the Council and its partners will ensure that the affordable homes meet the needs of those unable to afford housing on the open market
  • how the affordable homes can remain affordable
  • how the Council will ensure the appropriate delivery of affordable housing

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