Canal Conservation Area

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Canal Conservation Area

Opportunities for Regeneration

Representation ID: 71158

Received: 14/09/2018

Respondent: Orbit Homes - Development

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

The Local Development Scheme advises that this designation will be aligned with the Canalside DPD, although that does not appear to be the case as no consultation has taken place yet on the DPD. Given the intention that the DPD will identify areas for regeneration and deliver at least 200 dwellings, the Council may wish to defer making the designation until there is certainty around the DPD's ability to deliver the regeneration required. The viability of redevelopment of brownfield land can be more challenging, and any additional policy burdens arising from this designation will need to be carefully considered.

Full text:

The Local Development Scheme advises that this designation will be aligned with the Canalside DPD, although that does not appear to be the case as no consultation has taken place yet on the DPD. Given the intention that the DPD will identify areas for regeneration and deliver at least 200 dwellings, the Council may wish to defer making the designation until there is certainty around the DPD's ability to deliver the regeneration required. The viability of redevelopment of brownfield land can be more challenging, and any additional policy burdens arising from this designation will need to be carefully considered.

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