Draft Charging Schedule - Jan 2017

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Draft Charging Schedule - Jan 2017

Draft Charging Schedule - Jan 2017

Representation ID: 70407

Received: 20/02/2017

Respondent: Kenilworth Town Council

Representation Summary:

1. Whilst little comment can be made as to the actual charging levels, Kenilworth Town Council appreciate the need for different rates across the District, but see the resulting zones as a rather coarse solution. There is as much logic for a variable rate within the town as there is between Kenilworth and Warwick. It would seem more logical to relate somehow to total house price rather than floor area, but the Town Council assume that this is not possible?

2. Kenilworth Town Council are totally intrigued by the defined boundary for Kenilworth, which reflects neither the Town Boundary nor the projected urban area in the Local Plan, and would welcome an explanation.

Full text:

1. Whilst little comment can be made as to the actual charging levels, Kenilworth Town Council appreciate the need for different rates across the District, but see the resulting zones as a rather coarse solution. There is as much logic for a variable rate within the town as there is between Kenilworth and Warwick. It would seem more logical to relate somehow to total house price rather than floor area, but the Town Council assume that this is not possible?

2. Kenilworth Town Council are totally intrigued by the defined boundary for Kenilworth, which reflects neither the Town Boundary nor the projected urban area in the Local Plan, and would welcome an explanation.

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