Publication Draft

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Publication Draft

DS3 Supporting Sustainable Communities

Representation ID: 65229

Received: 25/06/2014

Respondent: Lapworth Parish Council

Representation Summary:

DS3 Lapworth Parish Council supports the importance of "protecting areas of significance including high quality landscapes, heritage assets and ecological assets". It commends Warwick DC for listening to local views, visiting particular sites to carry out full evaluations and being willing to amend initial proposals in the light of those investigations. This reflects well on the thoroughness and professionalism of the processes used in reaching the current stage of the Local Plan


Publication Draft

DS11 Allocated Housing Sites

Representation ID: 65230

Received: 25/06/2014

Respondent: Lapworth Parish Council

Representation Summary:

DS11 Lapworth Parish Council believes that the consultation and review processes carried out by Warwick District Council have been thorough, professional and fair as far as the housing allocations for Kingswood/Lapworth are concerned. Reasonable arguments listened to and investigated with site visits. There were considerable problems at the outset about communications with the Parish Council, and even more so with residents. They were very poor and caused some ill-feeling. However in the course of the process it has become clear that reasonable objections were considered and investigated, with the result that the final plan reflects many of the comments made


Publication Draft

DS20 Accommodating Housing Need Arising from Outside the District

Representation ID: 65256

Received: 25/06/2014

Respondent: Lapworth Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? Yes

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

DS20 Lapworth Parish Council is concerned that if additional housing has to be allocated because of the inability of adjacent districts to meet their quota, then the Warwick numbers will be changed potentially without proper consideration and consultation. Although the reasons for collaboration across "artificial" boundaries are sound, and the experience of Warwick DC's processes and decision-making have been so far been very positive, there is no comfort provided that any reopening of the Local Plan will be done well as the one we have at present. We therefore have to "Object"


Publication Draft


Representation ID: 65651

Received: 26/06/2014

Respondent: Lapworth Parish Council

Representation Summary:

DS11 Lapworth Parish Council believes that the consultation and review processes carried out by Warwick District Council have been thorough, professional and fair as far as the housing allocations for Kingswood/Lapworth are concerned. Reasonable arguments have been listened to and investigated with site visits. There were considerable problems at the outset about communications with the Parish Council, and even more so with residents. They were very poor and caused some ill-feeling. However in the course of the process it has become clear that reasonable objections were considered and investigated, with the result that the final plan reflects many of the comments made. Whilst not all residents are happy with all the outcomes, we feel that the consultation periods and the meetings at the Village Hall and in Warwick, plus the clear willingness to accept changes where well-justified, are evidence of open-mindedness and good practice. The Parish Council commends the process and the resulting decisions in the Local Plan

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