Publication Draft

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Publication Draft

H06 East of Kenilworth (Thickthorn)

Representation ID: 66145

Received: 27/06/2014

Respondent: Kenilworth Rugby Football Club, Jersey Farm Trustees & The McDaid Trustees

Agent: Framptons

Representation Summary:

The landowners' intention is to achieve the formal release of the land from the Green Belt through the local plan process prior to the disposal of a land interest with an appropriate party who will secure delivery of the site through the development management process.

An initial master plan has been prepared to illustrate the broad concept of the development. A 'high level' Transport Assessment has been prepared by DTA - which accompanies these submissions.

The three principal land interests are intent upon bringing their land forward promptly upon the allocation and the release of land from the Green Belt, being confirmed by the local plan process. Discussions have also been held with Kenilworth Wardens Cricket Club whose land has been included within the allocation. The landowners have commissioned the preparation of a more detailed master plan for the allocation. It is anticipated that this master plan will form the basis of a planning application to WDC.

Full text:

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