Publication Draft

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Publication Draft

MS2 Major Sites in the Green Belt

Representation ID: 66137

Received: 27/06/2014

Respondent: Gerald Eve LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Welcomes the Council's identification of the Former Honiley Airfield as a key employment site in the district which plays an important role in the local, sub-regional and national economy. The Policy as drafted fails to provide a suitable policy basis for the consideration of development on the site and is therefore not consistent with national policy. The policy repeats the NPPF and as national policy no longer recognises major developed sites in the green belt a particular policy should be provided for the site which recognises the economic benefits. The whole of the airfield is previously developed land and should be recognised as such. The government expects the planning system to actively encourage sustainable economic growth. An automotive and research related employment site needs to ensure that it can adapt quickly to
external forces such as technological advances and changes in market demand.It is crucial that the site is expanded to create confidence to attract investment. This employment site has the potential to contribute to the aims and objectives of the Coventry and
Warwickshire LEP.

Full text:

see attached


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