Revised Development Strategy

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Revised Development Strategy

Norton Lindsey

Representation ID: 57887

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Margetts

Representation Summary:

Objects to the proposed village settlement hierachy in particular the exclusion of Norton Lindsey from the list of Secondary Service villages. Expansion in the number of designated villages would enable a reduction in the amount of housing proposed in each so reducing the impact. Norton Lindsey is of a different scale and nature to the other identified smaller and feeder villages, it has a score of 32 compared with other villages in this category scoring as low as 18. Others have no pub or local primary school. The settlement scoring methodology does not apply the same approach in assessing the distance across the different facilities. If consistency was applied Norton Lindsey could score as high as Bubbenhall. There is also no grading of the quality or quantity of recreational space.

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