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PO12: Climate Change
Representation ID: 49006
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
Requirement of 20% reduction in carbon emissions too stringent. Developements will not achieve in terms of practicality and viablility.
Should be 10%.
The Requirement to provide a 20% reduction in carbon emissions is too stringent and many developments will not be able to achieve this target in terms of both practicality and viability.
A figure of 10% should be used.
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PO8: Economy
Representation ID: 50112
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
Supports the reference in PO8 to Stoneleigh Park. However, reference to such sites as "Major Developed Sites" should be removed because NPPF now refers to such sites as "previously developed" sites.
Supports reference in para 8.25 to Stoneleigh Park and the benefits it brings to the local economy.
However, a specific policy on Stoneleigh Park should be included in the Plan. This would define the area, preferably the Local Plan Major Developed Site area, and set out the different uses which would be appropriate on the site. It would reflect new guidance on previously developed sites in the Green Belt in NPPF and the outline planning permission.
See scanned letter and response forms
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PO3: Broad Location of Growth
Representation ID: 50113
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
PO3 refers to a hierarchy of growth in the rural areas to include development in some villages. This should also include development on previously developed sites in the Green Belt which the Council has acknowledged as being suitable for infilling and redevelopment.
See scanned letter and response forms
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PO12: Climate Change
Representation ID: 50114
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
The 20% policy should be underpinned by a robust and credible evidence base. This should include information on:
- how the 20% has been established; and
- a viability appraisal on the implications of the policy on development.
Change of use applications should be exempt from the policy because it is more sustainable to reuse a building than construct a new one. Also, the policy will make some change of use proposals economically unviable and so they will not take place. An example is given as a change of use of a building at Stoneleigh Park from showground use to office use.
The policy should recognise that carbon reduction can also be achieved through the use of sustainable building techniques that reduce the energy consumption of buildings.
See scanned letter and response forms
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PO16: Green Belt
Representation ID: 50115
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
An additional bullet point should be added to section C of the policy:
"Development in accordance with a Development Plan policy guiding the development of specific site within the Green Belt plan."
This would refer to a policy which should be included in a plan to provide guidance on the redevelopment and regeneration of Stoneleigh Park.
Delete reference to Major Developed Sites in the Green Belt - these no longer exist in national planning policy in NPPF. The final bullet point should read:
"Limited infilling or the partial or complete redevelopment of previously developed sites (brownfield land), whether redundant or in continuing use(excluding temporary buildings) which would not have a greater impact on the openness of the Green Belt, and the purpose of including land within it, than the existing development".
See scanned letter and response forms
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2. Our Vision for the District
Representation ID: 50116
Received: 27/07/2012
Respondent: Lasalle Investment Management
Agent: Harris Lamb
Under Economy in paragrah 2.5, the reference to the rural economy is welcomed. However, given the significant rural nature of the District and the important role of the rural economy, it is suggested that a separate bullet point should be included to confirm the Council's support for sustainable growth in the rural areas. The NPPF supports economic growth in rural areas.
See scanned letter and response forms