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PO8: Economy
Representation ID: 49078
Received: 31/07/2012
Respondent: University of Warwick
Agent: Turley
The University has previously made representations to remove the Campus known as 'Central Campus West' within the boundary of Warwick District from the greenbelt. It is considered that the Campus should be removed from the greenbelt in the new local plan to establish a secure long term boundary at the edge of the University. Objects to 5th bullet point of PO8 as MDS designation for the University is not appropriate. Instead the designation of the site (outside the greenbelt) should be mentioned elsewhere in the policy. If the campus remains in the greenbelt the University requests further discussion with the District Council to provide assurances that its approach towards MDS designation remains appropriate. Paragraph 8.24 should be rewritten to reflect that the university is not a B Class employment use to which the employment land supply figures should relate. Plan should recognise the contribution of the University to delivering employment growth and supporting knowledge based industries but not providing the employment land supply.
See attached
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PO12: Climate Change
Representation ID: 49237
Received: 31/07/2012
Respondent: University of Warwick
Agent: Turley
Supports the principles of climate change mitigation and adaptation as demonstrated by the University's approach to its own activities. Seeks clarification on the standards for Code for Sustainable Homes and BREEAM which will be expected as it is likely that there will be considerable change to these during the lifetime of the policy. The 20% requirement is confusing as there is no reference to the baseline to which these are made. If this is to be acheived above building regulations it will present significant commercial and technical constraints. There is no recognition of site specific constraints which may impact on the ability to acheive this. The policy should be amended to recognise the expected improvements to building regulations. It is likely that the 2013 building regulations will require renewable and low carbon technologies therefore PO12 is duplicating a national standard. If these standards are expected above building regulations then the evidence base documents should be updated.
See attached
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District Wide Strategic Green Infrastructure
Representation ID: 49255
Received: 31/07/2012
Respondent: University of Warwick
Agent: Turley
Some of the green infrastructure proposals include university owned land outside of existing / proposed campus development areas. The area referred to in para 15.14 as a "Peri-Urban Park North of Kenilworth" would presumably fall within the area of search but it is not clear how this proposal would be delivered in the absence of nearby development which could fund it as part of landscape mitigation.
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PO16: Green Belt
Representation ID: 49287
Received: 31/07/2012
Respondent: University of Warwick
Agent: Turley
Objects to PO16 on the grounds that the University should be removed from the greenbelt.
The exceptional circumstances for removal from the greenbelt are as follows:
* The University was established at a time when HE institutions were regarded as appropriate uses in the greenbelt.
* Government advice to the University was to seek removal of the developed part of the campus from the greenbelt
* Due to the shift in greenbelt policy in the NPPF towards brownfield sites and limited infilling the designation as an MDS is inappropriate
* Central Campus West is an urban development of some scale with further permitted development of 89,000sqm intensifying the urban character.
* The Campus does not serve the fundamental aim of greenbelt policy to prevent urban sprawl by keeping land permanantly open or contributing to any of the five purposes of greenbelt.
*Removal from the greenbelt would allow the university to plan ahead with confidence without the need to continully justify development in the greenbelt. Paragraph 85 of the NPPF sets out not to include land which is unnecessary to keep the greenbelt permanantly open, to be satisfied that greenbelt boundaries will not need to be altered at the end of the development plan period and to define boundaries clearly using physical features that are recognisable and likely to be permanant.
See attached