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PO1: Preferred Level of Growth

Representation ID: 47894

Received: 26/07/2012

Respondent: Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Sufficient provision must be made to meet population and household growth predictions. Neither preferred level of growth and household growth forecasts nor alternative option considered would meet need which may put pressure on other Warwickshire districts to provide asdditional housing to meet unmet need.

Full text:

1. Preferred Level of Housing Growth (Policy PO1)

Warwick District Council must ensure sufficient provision is made to meet population and household growth forecasts. Neither the Preferred Level of Growth of 10,800 dwellings nor the alternative options considered would meet population and household growth forecasts and so may put pressure on Nuneaton and Bedworth to provide additional housing to meet this unmet need. Such additional growth would have to be accommodated on Greenfield land.

2. Employment Land (Policy PO8)

The level of growth for employment land is not identified, and it is noted that a flexible approach will be taken. The housing target is justified, in part, on the grounds of matching jobs growth to the increase in homes. It is not clear how this match will be achieved when the employment land supply will be flexible. This is of particular concern given the potential shortfall in housing provision.

In relation to the Warwickshire Gateway site it is the view of the council that there is limited justification for this type of site, particularly given the newly emerging growth proposals across the area. We would welcome involvement in the ongoing discussions around this site given the potential cross border implications.

3. Infrastructure Plan

It is noted that further work needs to be carried out in relation to your infrastructure planning. Nuneaton and Bedworth Council would be interested in being involved in this work as it progresses, specifically to identify if there are any opportunities for joint working in this area. In relation to some of the proposed policies such as PO8 it is considered that there is the potential for cross border impact, for example as a result of supply chain impacts, and therefore we are keen to work together as part of wider infrastructure planning.

4. Duty to Co-operate

The final choice of a housing target option and employment land approach may have implications for Nuneaton and Bedworth or other neighbouring authorities. This will require co-operation between the relevant authorities.


Preferred Options

PO8: Economy

Representation ID: 47895

Received: 26/07/2012

Respondent: Nuneaton & Bedworth Borough Council

Representation Summary:

Level of growth for employment land not identified and flexible apprioach will be taken. Housing target justified in part on grounds of need to match job growth to increase. Not clear how this will be acheived if employment land supply is flexible. Concern given potential shortfall in housing provision.
Gateway site - limited justificationin view of emerging growth proposals across the area.
Cross border impact of infrastructure work.
Duty to co-operate.

Full text:

1. Preferred Level of Housing Growth (Policy PO1)

Warwick District Council must ensure sufficient provision is made to meet population and household growth forecasts. Neither the Preferred Level of Growth of 10,800 dwellings nor the alternative options considered would meet population and household growth forecasts and so may put pressure on Nuneaton and Bedworth to provide additional housing to meet this unmet need. Such additional growth would have to be accommodated on Greenfield land.

2. Employment Land (Policy PO8)

The level of growth for employment land is not identified, and it is noted that a flexible approach will be taken. The housing target is justified, in part, on the grounds of matching jobs growth to the increase in homes. It is not clear how this match will be achieved when the employment land supply will be flexible. This is of particular concern given the potential shortfall in housing provision.

In relation to the Warwickshire Gateway site it is the view of the council that there is limited justification for this type of site, particularly given the newly emerging growth proposals across the area. We would welcome involvement in the ongoing discussions around this site given the potential cross border implications.

3. Infrastructure Plan

It is noted that further work needs to be carried out in relation to your infrastructure planning. Nuneaton and Bedworth Council would be interested in being involved in this work as it progresses, specifically to identify if there are any opportunities for joint working in this area. In relation to some of the proposed policies such as PO8 it is considered that there is the potential for cross border impact, for example as a result of supply chain impacts, and therefore we are keen to work together as part of wider infrastructure planning.

4. Duty to Co-operate

The final choice of a housing target option and employment land approach may have implications for Nuneaton and Bedworth or other neighbouring authorities. This will require co-operation between the relevant authorities.

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