Helping Shape the District

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Helping Shape the District

6 - Congestion & Pollution

Representation ID: 46063

Received: 06/07/2011

Respondent: Centro

Representation Summary:

Generally, Centro considers that when preparing Local Development Documents, local authorities must ensure that as far as possible, development and redevelopment proposals make the best use of existing transport infrastructure and services, improve connectivity locally and in the wider area where appropriate and provide high levels of accessibility for all with an emphasis on sustainable modes of travel. This is a key policy within the West Midlands LTP.


Helping Shape the District


Representation ID: 46137

Received: 06/07/2011

Respondent: Centro

Representation Summary:

Centro supports objective 4


Helping Shape the District


Representation ID: 46138

Received: 06/07/2011

Respondent: Centro

Representation Summary:

Centro supports objective 13


Helping Shape the District

11 - High Speed Rail

Representation ID: 46188

Received: 06/07/2011

Respondent: Centro

Representation Summary:

Centro actively supports the HS2 proposal and believes that it represents a major opportunity for the West Midlands in terms of jobs and wider economic benefits. It belives that capacity improvements as a consequence of HS2 will bring about improvements to the 'classic rail' network already in exhistence.

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